Some Words About Me
My Awesome Story
In my childhood, I was really passionate about electronics. I was an introvert and a person with less confidence. But I loved to learn and explore new things. I was playing with electronics, magic, drawing, etc. However, I am not sure when I lost my passion for learning. I was an average student in terms of the so-called grade-based educational model. But, I had some extra activities like computer sales and services during my school days, and also I sold newspapers, graphic design, web development, etc. I have a very supportive family. I was attracting most of the things in my life that I needed, but I was attracting some bad things too and it was completely miserable. It's because, like most people, even I lacked a purpose in life. People don't know who they really are in this situation. I felt my skills were unworthy too. I was feeling powerless within. In my life, I was fearful of everything, giving up too early, and living a mediocre life. I was thinking once I get a job my life will be full of joy and happiness. But After getting a job my life became 100 times more miserable.
As a result, I was plagued with hopelessness, fear, anxiety, depression, chronic headaches, insomnia, and other ailments. At the end of the day, I wasn't fulfilled.
In my head, I thought I had some powers, but I didn't realize how powerful I was. Because I was always looking outside for me, instead of looking within.
As soon as I got too many hits from The Universe, I started looking within. It's my belief that your problems are the key to someone else's happiness.
I had tons of problems, but the main one was I wasn't happy and my life was miserable. There was a point in my life when I had to choose either to die (suicide) or to live only for myself (not others).
Option one was very easy for my body, but my soul didn't allow me to do that. I'm so grateful to the universe and my soul for protecting me.
Now I'm left with only one option: live my own life. I had no idea how to do that, and I knew it would be hard. By this time, I was drowning in problems. How did these come into my life? Problems were attracting me like honey to bees.
During this time, I began to think about how I can change. What can I do to live my life to the fullest? Now I was drowning in problems, I didn't even know how to swim but somehow I started, otherwise I might die. As a result, I began attending public speaking sessions and I joined a group of people who shared a similar mindset and were also looking for or attempting to improve their own personal development.
We met once a week and had tea talks and brainstorming sessions. That's my recharging time.
Slowly, I started realizing I had some control over my life. I started enjoying my life a little bit. However, it did not last very long. Once again, I was hit with a tsunami of problems. As a result of that, my transformation was super fast. Within the span of a few years, I experienced multiple 360-degree shifts in my life. I am so happy with everything that is going on in my life right now. As a result, I have developed an attitude of "I am enough.".
There were many different strategies and systems I learned and implemented in my life and I was able to achieve great success as a result.
Now I started understanding verses from Holy Qur'an:
…God intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship… (2:185)
God does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity… (2:286)
According to these verses, God or the universe itself desires to make things easy for us, and does not wish to place difficulty beyond our ability to handle.
So, until now I thought God or the Universe was making all these difficulties, but now I'm realizing he's not making them. Then who's causing the problems?
So, am I causing problems?
Do I make things hard for myself?
Now, the hidden computer Hacker in me came out.
As a result, I have more control over my life, and if I can crack the program or reverse engineer how the universe works, then I can accomplish things in my life. I can also teach this to other people so that they can live extraordinary lives too.